We joined six other local home ed families for a day at the beach today. The weather was glorious and all went well apart from one of the children in the group being bitten by a weaver fish. We thought it was a jelly fish sting but thankfully the first aid people identified it and treated it appropriately.
When we got home we looked up weaver fish on Google Images and were surprised to find they look like this -

I hope I never stumble across one when paddling!
That's one scary looking creature
I have heard of weaver fish but did'nt know that they looked like that!!!
I know, I think it looks like a mini crocodile!
is it dangerous?
This photo is not of a weever fish (not weaver). It is of a lizard fish, which is totally harmless.
It looks a bit like a weever fish, and has similar habit, but its mouth is more elongated, and it lacks venomous spines.
Weever fish don't bite, you stand on their spines. They can be excruciatingly painful but not serious.
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