Have any of you guys come across Neale Donald Walsh's books? I have the Conversations with God series but have never read them cover to cover. I tend to just dip in and out of them so to speak.
Anyway, during this time when I'm not sleeping so well I'm reading lots. In the wee hours of the other morning I picked up book two in the Conversations with God series and read, 'In some societies, parents couple in full view of their off spring - and what could give children a greater sense of the beauty and the wonder and the pure joy and the total okayness of the sexual expression of love than this?'
Personally I just can't see that catching on somehow - or perhaps I'm just a prude? Just imagine it - 'not tonight darling, the children have gone to sleep'.
Facetious comments aside, I must say I do find it very odd and perhaps going well beyond what I would consider appropriate.
Pardon the personal question, but, what do you think?
Summer Speed
1 year ago
I agree completely with Walsh, and think he put it very well.
I think the fact that in modern society sex is shoved away in a separate compartment from the rest of life, as opposed to being a completely natural thing that is part of life, is what causes a lot of the problems today - teen pregnancies etc.
Because it is practically taught that sex is something illicit, something forbidden, it become even more attractive to young people who might otherwise not be so bothered about it.
I didn't explain that very well, but I know what I mean! :)
Oh my gosh Claire !! erm gobsmacked here, well goodness me and all sorts of expletives . . . . .totally alien to me that thought is ! goodness I worry If I thnk they can even hear us lol
Yes, I think the fact that it is shoved under the carpet does give off very negative connatations. I want my children to be very open and accepting of their bodies and feelings, but at the same time, I, like Dawniy, am gobsmaked - which perhaps is just a reflection of growing up in a society where it is shoved under the carpet.
I suspect that like many things it's something which needs a mass shift in consciousness to bring about real change - starting within the home and also schools, media, health care etc.
It's certainly something I'm going to ponder and consider very carefully - although in all honesty I can never envisage myself being quite as open as suggested.
I think that's one of the big challenges of parenting - when you feel that you need to break the mold and stray for societal norms, the way in which you were brought up and all that is entrenched and 'normal'. Sailing in unchartered territory can be so rewarding yet a little bit scary.
Wow Claire,
I am so glad that our Mam and Dad had not ever read that book!!!!
Hmmm, yes I'm inclined to agree there Helen - but then that may just be the fact that we are innocent victims of a society at large which portrays sex as being very hush hush and frowned upon.
Tell mum not to worry. It is safe to come home - and no she won't have to cough loudly as she comes up the drive :-)
erm no...
We are very open if they ask then they an honest answer. But sh*agging in front of children is a big NO!!
Sex:0 wots that then lol? Seriously tho none my lot would be happy to watch. They are nearly all teenagers and grossed out at the idea of parent "doing it" lol. We are not the keep quiet, lock the door, only at midnight types either but ...nah.. they are with us 24/7 and some stuff is private.We do talk about it ALOT. I will talk about anything and so do they but tbh a boozed up Saturday night liason is not exactly a thing of beauty and wonder lol However we all co -slept so they all used to be there but that is a whole other blog post lol.
well , still gobsmacked, co-sleeping fast asleep babies is different to doing it in front of the kids, or in front of anyone else for that matter !!
Naomi still likes to sleep with us or Lana, and Lana can be heard saying "For goodness sake Naomi let them have a night on their own or we'll never get another baby !"
erm in their sight or hearing? certainly not, thank God my sister sometimes takes them for a weekend break ;-) x
I must echo Amanda there!
I think there's a difference between children being in the same room, and them actively "watching". I got a mental image of children sitting taking notes, then!
It's not all that long ago most families simply didn't have enough rooms for everyone to sleep separately, and people had *big* families, so the parents must have been making love in the same room as their children (unless they went to the wood shed like Lady Chatterley!)
It's a completely natural, even mundane, part of life, and the more you make a show of "Oh don't talk about *that*!" or "We're closing the door now and DON'T COME IN WHATEVER YOU DO!!!" the bigger deal it becomes. And, the bigger deal it is, the bigger a puzzle it is in the minds of the kids.
Of course you can ask for some private time, but if you do get walked in on and the kids see something or don't see something or whatever, it's really no great shakes, or it shouldn't be IMO
I think it would probably be children getting on with their lives because it's just another thing those grown ups do ( for a while at least).
But a couple of my kids have pushed into the middle of any cuddle not wanting to be left out!
In societies like this teenage pregnancies may well have been welcomed and valued so perhaps not a problem.
Interesting subject.
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