Thursday 8 December 2011

Bouncing, tree biscuit making and more

Christmas decorations always seem to start with the hearth around here. Today was the day we dusted off our Russian Doll style Santas which we picked up in a charity shop a while back. I like them, they're quaint.

Usually we have a large tree in our living room and a small tree in the hall. We're going for a change this year with the living room tree and a tree in the kitchen. We started icing goodies for the kitchen tree today. I want the icing to have dried out fully before we hang them.

I'd like to say I made the biscuits but that would be lying! I bought them at Ikea and we decorated them with shop bought icing tubes.

We were partying on down later today. I know the shot below is hopelessly out of focus, but I think it captured the mayhem and movement of the situation quite well! A great time was had by all.

I'm pleased to say the day hasn't been work free. We all sat together with hot chocolate and looked at this Curclick Fun Study about turkeys. It was lightweight but we all learned at least a few facts we didn't know and had a bit of a laugh at the same time. I quite like using some of these pre bought 'fun units' near holiday times when things are winding down anyway. They generally cost less than 50p (I think this one worked out about 36p) so they don't break the bank.

Hermione is continuing to explore various issues in connection with her ongoing art project about Bani Abidi. Today she made various clay models in skin shades to represent different concepts she has been exploring.





She also spent some time this morning thinking about various man made barriers to movement. She looked at the Great Wall of China and Hadrian's Wall, both of which we have looked at in previous studies. However, she also looked at the Berlin Wall. None of our history studies have been so recent as to look at this time period in any depth. It was new ground for her. Lots of complex concepts involved there such as communism and cold war. I think we'll read around that in coming weeks - a bit of light reading for the Christmas season eh?!?

Looking at pictures online this one really jumped out at me. I wanted to feel a connection with the people there, the energy, excitement and hope. Once again I kicked myself, for having somehow over the years, misplaced the chunk of Berlin Wall which I personally demolished on a visit to Berlin. I do hope it appears in a box in the attic at some point in the future.

I'm off to get cosy in front of the fire again. The wind is so strong here right now that I feel quite alarmed. The noise is incredible and at times I have thought our doors were going to blow in. I hope that all who are out there now make their way back home safely.

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