Friday 13 August 2010

Waiting at the Window

I had hoped to be able to tell you all about forest school today. Having pulled on our waterproofs and filled a flask with hot chocolate, we were ready to brave the rain.

Sadly, we ended up braving the rain by the roadside rather than forest school as my car died a dramatic death at the entrance of a roundabout. Thankfully we had a few offers of help and even got to ride in a break down truck, courtesy of a very kind man who just happened to be passing by and didn't charge me a penny for recovering my car!

Hopefully I'll be with wheels again come Monday. I hope so as there are so many places to go and people to see!

So, back at home, we watched the rain rolling down the window panes, reciting as best we could A A Milne's 'Waiting at the Window' - a verse which we have only recently discovered but like a lot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hope you get your car back asap.
