Sunday, 5 April 2009

Spring time surprises

I came up with what I thought was a great idea for an egg hunt this weekend - an idea which avoided filling lots of plastic egg shells with sweet treats. I put together a jigsaw, turned it over so that I could write on the blank side and wrote a riddle leading to the treasure. The idea was then to break the jigsaw back into pieces and place each piece in a plastic egg shell for children to find and piece together until they were directed to the treasure. I was ever so smug with my idea - that is until I came to put the jigsaw piece in the egg shells and they were ever so slightly too big. Arrghhhh!!!! So, we ended up with twenty four pieces of jigsaw gift wrapped and hidden around the house plus lots of plastic egg shells filled with sweet treats and hidden in the garden after all. I can certainly recommend the jigsaw idea - just make sure your pieces fit in your plastic egg shells.

Chocolate bunnies hiding in stiffened crochet pots.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the pots :0)