..after a rocky start things looked up immensely. We've had a crackin' day actually. Not too sure what happened this morning. A huff or puff too many from Hermione I think - who is as it happens going through a remarkably huffy puffy phase at the moment.
Once the 'seven going on fifteen' attitude stopped we settled down to festive hama beading before whizzing off to our regular Monday haunts. While the children played I got to snuggle a little baby just a few days old. He was absolutely gorgeous. Those little grunts and snuffles they make are so beautiful - not at all like those huffs and puffs with attitude. However, it has to be said, I didn't feel in the slightest bit broody. That's good. Very good.
Having coffee with another home ed mum today, (goodness, it must sound like I have a life and adult interactions here - don't be fooled, it doesn't happen on a regular basis), we talked about how the absolute joy of home ed can essentially turn into a stick to beat yourself with. When you home educate you know that the sky is the limit. You can do so much for your child and family. Wonderful ideas, dreams and visions float through your mind. But what happens when the realities and visions don't coincide? No one to look to but yourself. Blame, doubt, a feeling of having let your child down. I think that's where I was this morning when I over reacted to a huff and started thinking the 's word'.
Tomorrow's another day however and I'm off to think and dream....just as soon as I have had another try at making one of these beautiful but ever so tricky lanterns that is.
Summer Speed
1 year ago
1 comment:
Grown up conversation. I don't think I can remember it. Not broody after holding a baby, you're cured. Unfortunately I'm not!! Just thinking about babies makes me broody!
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