Monday 1 December 2008

The S word

No not that..


One more huff, one more puff and it may well be on the agenda.

Hmmm, happy December, bah humbug.


Anonymous said...


Always Learning said...

Hi Claire,

I've asked the mods at SHE if you can register under a new name, and you should be able to do that.

If it's because you've forgotton, your pawword, or username, then only Linda I believe can sort that out for you, at the moment Linda not able to get on her PC so often, so will have to wait to sort out origanal registration.

I'd just join again if I was you, you just wont be able to use your usernae, and possibly it might be an idea to use a new password too.

let me know if that's any good. :-)

I found this time of year, the children and I, were like caged animals all ready to snap at one another. It's a bit like having cabin fever. Sometimes a few brisk walks can do the world of wonders.

CJ x

Claire said...

Thanks CJ but I think part of the problem is that it won't let me join again with the same email address and I've only got the one :-(

Always Learning said...

Ahh, well you could do one of 2 things, either set up a new email address, I've got 3 ones *rolls eyes* one with my real name but business, one just for home education which is, and one for general bits and pieces and fun

it's quite easy to set one up, just choose a name like would be good ;-)

or if you email me at, then I'll privately send your email to Linda, and then wait to see if she can sort it out.

Either way should be ok.

CJ x

Claire said...

Thanks again. I'll try setting up a new email addy as I know Linda is busy these days.
